- Android devices doesn't support Ad Hoc by default.
- So most of android users are facing difficulties to connect their android devices with windowsPC or symbian devices. Because windows uses Ad Hoc network by default.
- To solve this problem we can use two methods 1) either you can create Ad Hoc network in android or 2) create infrastructure network in windows.
- To connect android devices with Ad Hoc network you have to root it. But it is a riskey method.
- So create infrastructure in windows is a safer way.
- To create infrastructure wifi you have to enter two commands in command promp.
>>Open command prompt as administrator.
>>Then enter command
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=testwifi key="123456789012"
>>you can change network ssid & passkey
>>This command creates infrastructure wifi
>>Now we have to run second command to connect it
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
>>now you can find and connect wifi in your android devices